Faith isn't faith until it's all you are holding on to.

Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 5:00 AM
Book: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Author: Richard Bach

"When you come to the edge of all light you have known, and are about to step out into darkness, faith is knowing one of the two things will happen: there will be something to stand on or you will be taught to fly." 


  1. May I suggest the latest from Richard Bach.. The Messiah's Handbook. It was the follow up to the classic Illusions... it has great gems in every page.. actually, it consists of only them !!

  2. Jinu Peyeti Says:

    @Dr. Roshan - thank you for being the first one to comment! If you find the time, will you send me your fav quote(s) from The Messiah's handbook? I will publish it here with due courtesy to you! :)

  3. will get on it soon.. a little busy now.. entering the ot after a long break...

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