Ignorance is bliss. Or is it?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 9:40 PM
Book: The Human Stain
Author: Philip Roth

"Because we don't know. Do we? Everyone knows - How what happens the way it does. What underlines the anarchy of the train of events, the uncertainties, the mishaps, the disunities, the shocking irregularities that define human life. 

Nobody knows.

'Everyone knows' is the invocation of the cliche and the beginning of banalization of experience, and its solemnity and the sense of authority that people have in voicing the cliche that's so insufferable. What we know is that, in an uncliched way, nobody knows anything. You can't know anything. The things you 'know', you dont know. Intention? Motive? Consequence? Meaning? All that we don't know is astonishing. Even more astonishing is what we pass for knowing." 


  1. Utopia Says:

    isn't it? sometimes maybe and sometimes its plain stoopiddd? you can't be blind always and sometimes the wisest thing to do is to ignore, plain ignore.

  2. Jinu Peyeti Says:

    @ Utopia - Yes, it is subjective. But the bottom line is - ignorance is not the same as ignoring something. If you know it and you were to ignore it - that's a virtue on its own. But would you rather not know than know and ignore? And is it that easy to know and still ignore?

  3. Mayuleee Says:

    oohh... i always wanted to read the book. :)

    PS: I like the idea of the blog.

  4. Jinu Peyeti Says:

    @Mayulee - glad u like the blog :) please send me stuff as n when u read something nice!

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